Polarized-Light Microscope  


A polarized-light microscope is a type of microscope that has a polarizer on the illumination side and an analyzer on the eyepiece side. It is highly effective for visualizing transparent yet birefringent materials, such as liquid crystals. In this discussion, I will address several topics related to polarizing microscopes and microscopy with a focus on liquid crystal observation.

Resolution and NA

The level of detail that can be observed with a microscope is determined by the numerical aperture (NA) of the objective lens. While there are several theories that relate numerical aperture to resolution, here we will focus on the most intuitively understandable theory by Abbe to demonstrate the relationship between the microscope's resolution and numerical aperture.

Effect of refractive index dispersion
In the usual polarization color chart, the refractive index is assumed to be constant regardless of the wavelength. However, the refractive index dispersion of liquid crystal material is relatively large, and the polarization color will be different from the standard one if the OPD is larger than a certain value. In addition, even the measurement using the Berek compensator will make a wrong evaluation. The effect of the dispersion on the measurement by the polarization color and the compensator will be discussed.
Observation of small birefringence samples
The birefringence of a liquid crystal sample is relatively large, and the OPD value is sufficient for observation at a normal cell thickness. However, the OPD value may be small when the film thickness is very thin or depending on the orientation direction. This section introduces a method for observing such a low OPD sample. ホットステージ
Illumination techniques for Liquid Crystal Observation
Biological microscopy books typically describe Köhler illumination as the standard method. In contrast, textbooks on mineral polarizing microscopes recommend low-NA illumination. Here, we will discuss  why  different illumination methods are recommended for each, and  an illumination method suitable for liquid crystal observation.  ホットステージ
LCD observation objective lens
There are objective lenses for observing liquid crystal cells. However, this type of objective lens is not often used in research. I will explain why it is not used and what is good to use.。 ホットステージ
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